Monday, July 18, 2011

Precious quilt

I received a most precious gift today-a beautiful quilt signed by friends and family. We have serious, even professional quilters in our ward but this was quite the project. I thank everyone involved from signing your names, piecing the quilt, and the actual sewing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will always treasure this gift. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record but I am so overwhelmed at the kindness and generosity of others. It feels so different to be on the receiving end of everyone's goodness. Right now all I can do is embrace it. Please know how grateful and blessed we are.

Time for a tissue or two. Love you all. Thanks for your continued support and prayers.


  1. Barbara ChristensenJuly 18, 2011 at 2:51 PM

    Hi Kandace, I've been gone camping and boating with my family since last Wed. the 13th and got back Sun. night! I was just catching up on your Blog to see how things were going for you! it sounds like your surgery went good last Mon. and that you have had your #4 Chemo Treament! That is great! Sounds like you have gotton your new wig now and I'll bet you look really nice in it! (knowing April, she will have it beautiful for you) I'm glad you liked the quilt! I thought it was beautiful and such a great idea! I know it will be something you will cherish forever! I hope things will continue to keep going good for you and I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Take care and keep fighting!!! I love you very much!!!

  2. Hi Kabdace, You deserve all the kindness and generosity. You have done the same for so many people. Everyone loves you and cares about you alot. Keep up the good work.
    Lance & Cathy

  3. Kandace, So glad to hear you are fighting right along. I knew you could. Some of you entries make me laugh. They brighten MY day. You are awesome. Keep up the good, hard work. Ive been thinking of some funny times we had with you , me and Adrian. Can't wait till we can visit. I was glad you have this blog to keep us up todate. Everyone loves you so much and are praying and thinking of you each day.
    Love ya

  4. Kandace,
    I'll try again to post. I'm not good at this. Love that I get to read about you and know how you're doing. Thanks so much for the blog. Even though I don't see you, I feel I am there through your words. I'm so glad you got a wig. I'm going to get one some day, when I need one. Which won't be so far away. The quilt was beautiful! What a great idea to say that we all love you! I thought it was a perfect gift. I got to see it at Sue's before it was quilted. Brad is now a bishop at USU. He's so excited and thrilled to do it. So we have another thing in common. We think we saw Bo and friends out playing basketball on your court the other night. It makes me smile to see their youthfulness. We are praying for you every chance we get. Love, Jaylynn

  5. Dearest Kandace,
    I'm so glad you like the quilt. Everyone had a fun time doing it. I liked seeing all the different personalities represented in the quilt by the fabric choices and how much everyone loves you. All the ladies in the ward wishes that they could come and visit so we give them weekly updates on your progress in Relief Society. Everyone is rooting and pulling for you. You sounded wonderful on the phone when you called me the other day. You sound so strong. You're my hero! Love ya!
