Wednesday, July 13, 2011

#4 Chemo History

Saying "goodbye" to #4 chemo makes me happy! One more done. I went to the tmt without any O2 and held my own. Thanks to faith, prayers, hope, and good medical care, I seem to be taking some steps in the right direction. So again, thank you for staying with me on this journey.
Mike and Kathy Christiansen came to my chemo or kimo tmt. Mike played his guitar for all os, asked for requests, even composed a song he titled,The Chemo Blues, that made all of us smile. Thank you for sharing your time and talents. Thanks also to Dave for checking in on me.
Tomorrow I m going to Logan to try on wigs. Did I just say that--wigs, cancer, chemo? I'mnot in denial, but there are many moments that I still grieve my pre-cancer life.
Another silly memory from my hospital stay. I was on the medical floor and luckily there was a nurse working who could administer my 2nd chemo tmt. She walked in a head to toe yellow plastic suit and left the two chemo bags near my bed. She leaned over to me and said, "now don't lick these bags!" A strange voice in my head said, grab those bags and give them a lick, but a louder,wiser voice said, don't you dare. I'm glad this day is coming to an end. Good night to all!


  1. Kandace, it's so nice to hear your sense of humor coming out. I'm so glad you are feeling so well! Good luck with the wig shopping! I'm with Natalie, think you should try red! You will look beautiful no matter what!


  2. Glad that another chemo is done. It sounds like it was very "entertaining". Enjoy the wig shopping, that will also be very entertaining. Keep up the big girl fight. Love you so much, Geri

  3. Kandace! We are praying for you and love you so much! You are going to rock that wig!!! I love you so much and we are so blessed to know such an amazing, strong wonderful women! I love you!
