Sunday, August 14, 2011

Speed Bump

It is hard to enjoy AMAZING news, then be delivered bad news the following week.  We are all elated with how well the chemo is working for my mom.  She is handling it well.  That is why we were surprised at the turn.  She started experiencing migraines (severe), and numbness in her left side.  At first we all thought-side effects of chemo.  Last Thursday night she went to the emergency room in Logan because she had a partial seizure.  Luckily we were able to get a hold of Dave Reese (thanks Jackie) and he raced to the ER (starting his shift really early--THANK YOU) to take care of my mom.  It was nice to have a doctor there that knew the situation so we didn't have to re-explain it to everyone.  He decided to do a CT scan of her brain (haven't yet done one throughout this whole ordeal--no symptoms).  The results were not what we expected to hear after our "good news".  The CT scan showed that the cancer has traveled to her brain--showing roughly 11 lesions, the biggest being 12 mm.  As my mom said, it is like taking one step forward then two steps back.

They transported my mom to Huntsman to meet with some specialists to come up with a plan of attack.  She had to ride in an ambulance (precautionary)--I know she was thrilled, and my dad followed them there.  I am told the facility at Huntsman is unreal (her room was donated by Karl Malone) and the staff is unbelievable, optimistic, and welcoming.  It was good for my mom to be in that type of environment.  After spending the night, the specialists met and determined that they would start 15 rounds of whole brain radiation on my mom.  They said this is a 100% guarantee that it will kill off the cancer in her brain.  Extremely positive and reassuring.  Dr. Ben Jacob in Logan was in the same mind set, so that is the plan of attack.

They released my mom on Friday.  On the way home her and my dad stopped at McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden and she had her 1st radiation treatment (lasted about 15 minutes start to finish), after which they came home.  She had her 2nd treatment in Logan, Saturday morning.  So, 2 down, 13 to go.  From what my dad was told, this is actually quite common.  There  is a blood-brain barrier so the chemo doesn't affect the brain.  We know that it is working in her body.  The doctors are going to  focus on the brain these next few weeks, then resume chemo treatments.  So a speed bump has been placed before us.  We appreciate your love, support, faith, and prayers.  They keep us going.  Please keep up the good work!


  1. Love You Kandace! God Bless You my Special Friend! Ruth

  2. I am so saddened to hear about this set back! Hang in there! Like the saying goes...."I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it!" Prayers continue to come your way from our house.

  3. Oldroyds,
    What a roller coaster! Dear Natalie, thanks so much for the blogspot. My heart goes out to all of you. I know you all know this, but sometimes it just helps to hear it again. I know that our Savior knows all of your suffering and he is there to comfort you. My thought and prayers continue to be with you all. Please tell your mother how much I cherish our friendship; and I would come and see her, but I am sure she is restricted on visitors with the radiation tx. Sounds like she has lots of ministering angels watching over her. If there is ever anything I can do, please let me know. Love, Leona

  4. Kandace, we will keep up the good work so will you. Prayers work, you will see. Love you my friend. Peace and Love, Kerri.

  5. Barbara ChristensenAugust 16, 2011 at 1:21 PM

    Sorry to hear about your setback! Hang in there! I know you can conquer this! I know it must not be easy having to go through all this chemo and now radiation! Keep fighting and you can win this!!! I'm praying for you and thinking about you all the time! Love you so much!
    Love, Barbara

  6. Kandace & Natalie,
    Thanks for keeping us updated, we are all thinking and praying for you everyday. I have a niece who right now is struggling with stage 4 breast and bone cancer. We wonder why these challenges are placed upon us. But WE don't have the BIG picture! Some one greater is in control but we do KNOW that faith and prayers bring us through these things and I know YOU & YOUR FAMILY have them both . AND we are all there with you. You are truly a very strong and amazing person. Keep up the fight.
    Love you guys.
