Thursday, August 11, 2011

3rd Round of Chemo

Yesterday my mom started her third round of chemo (1 round = 3 weeks/once a week for about 4 hours).  We are all still elated at the progress revealed with the last CT scan.  The last few months have been filled with many ups and downs.  We are grateful for the faith, prayers and support of so many on behalf of my mom and our family.  She did say that this round started off a little rough.  Some of the  side effects include migraines, "chemo brain", dizziness, fatigue, and numbness in limbs.  It definitely is a day to day battle.  Looking at how  far she has come is amazing.  That is what we focus on.  Thank you for your continued love, support, faith, and prayers.  Knowing that we have so many on our side is reassuring.  This is a battle that will be won!

1 comment:

  1. GO KANDACE! I'm so sorry about the side effects. It sounds terrible! Not much
    longer til that baby girl gets here! I'm
    still praying!! Love You! Ruth
